Experience the Art
Dive into the artwork in immersive Artifex Unreal worlds. Each unique experience is inspired by and incorporates the Artifex 3D sculpture and artist 1/1. Custom-designed based on each artist's aesthetic by our Art Interaction Directors, Artifex Unreal opens the portal to step inside the art.
Artifex Unreal
Explore immersive worlds created by the world's leading digital artists, built in Unreal Engine 5 and pixel streamed to your browser.
Virtual Galleries
3D art from a new view point. Artifex 3D sculptures move seamlessly between virtual galleries - from OnCyber to RareRooms and beyond. Collect and unlock your custom Artifex Gallery space to display your artwork on mobile, web, and VR.

AR Filters
Visualize the art with augmented reality filters. Place your Artifex 3D NFTs in your space. Explore classic digital artist filters on Instagram or collect for a downloadable .usdz file.
AR Filters
Custom Assets
Share Artifex everywhere with digital assets inspired by the artwork. Connect your MetaMask wallet at Artifex.art to access your goodie bag including 3D file .glb, Artifex video .mp4, custom Twitter banner and profile picture (PFP) .jpgs